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The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
The How-To Terrorism Manual
Here are two excerpts from a 180-page how-to manual that investigators believe has been used by followers of Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden. The document, "Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants," was seized last year at the Manchester, England home of a bin Laden disciple.
Federal prosecutors in New York recently introduced the 18-chapter manual, written in Arabic, at the trial of four men accused of involvement in the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (an English translation was also placed in evidence).
The terrorism manual offers jihad members detailed pointers on everything from forged documents to kidnapping techniques. TSG may soon post the whole incredible document, but until then, you'll have to get by with these bizarre and scary pieces--all of Chapter 16 (assassinations) and part of Chapter 17 ("Interrogation and Investigation"):
Pages 1-8: On death and dying.
Pages 9-14: Beat it.
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